[< All Assignments](../../index.html) # A11: Styled Home, to do list ## Assignment Description Write a to do list describing the tasks you have left to complete. This should help you focus your efforts in order finish your project on time. Style your home page in css. Incorporate any feedback you received in the critique. ## Instructions 1. Write a to do list - List all tasks you need to complete your tutorial, for example, "make photos larger on tutorial page" - Save your file as `todo.txt` 1. Style your home page - Make a copy of your prototype and place it in assignment 11 folder. - Add css styles for your home page - Incorporate any feedback from your critique to improve the designs 1. Turn in ## Requirement Checklist: - Is there a new copy of the tutorial site uploaded? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-11` - Is there a todo list uploaded? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-11/todo.txt` - Check the to do list - How many items are left to do? - Are there any items missing on the to do list? - Check the home page - Is the home page styled? - Add styled content to home page