[< All Assignments](../../index.html) # A12: Refine Content and style ## Assignment Description Style the rest of your pages in css, fine-tuning the style as you go. Make a new to do list to work off of. ## Instructions 1. Write a to do list - List all tasks you need to complete your tutorial, for example, "make photos larger on tutorial page" - Save your file as `todo.txt` 1. Style any other pages - Make a copy of your prototype and place it in assignment 12 folder. - Add css styles for all pages - Incorporate any feedback from your critique to improve the designs 1. Turn in ## Requirement Checklist: - Is there a new copy of the tutorial site uploaded? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-12` - Is there a todo list uploaded? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-12/todo.txt` - Check the to do list - How many items were completed since last class? - How many items are left to do? - Are there any items missing on the to do list? - Check site design - What has been added/changed since last time? - What improvements could still be made to the site?