[< All Assignments](../../index.html) # A2: Simple HTML ## Assignment Description Write the html content for your demo site. Use the given specs to nest the content using a variety of html tags. You will add style to your content in the next assignment. ## Instructions 1. [Download the files](assignment-2.zip) for this assignment or find them in the instructions folder on cloud 9. 1. Find the specifications (specs) that explain the tag structure to use for your content in the specs folder 1. For each page in your site, create an html file. - open your code editor, cloud 9 - create a new file, save it in the `assignment-2` folder with with a file extentions of `.html` - type out the basic tags: doctype, html, head, title, body - save and preview! 1. Refer to the specs to add the html content. - Each tag is labeled in red. You'll have to fill in the actual text. - The navigation and footer is the same on all pages. - Make sure all links work from page to page. - The assignment page has links to each of the assignments. - Home page: you'll need to resize and upload the images given - About page: add your photo to the page. Be sure to resize the image in photoshop first! 1. Turn in 1. Check your pages with an [HTML validator](https://validator.w3.org/) to ensure that there's no errors. - fix any errors that show up - turn in again ## Requirement Checklist: - Are all 5 pages online? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-2` - Do the links in the navigation work on all pages? - Check the home page: - Does the main title use the student's name not Yukiko's? - Are all 3 card images present and sized appropriately? - Can you click on the images to go to the specified page? - Check the about page: - Is there a photo of the student? - Do the numbered lists use the ol and li tags? - Check the coffee page: - Is the quote contained inside a `blockquote` tag? - Is the quote's citation inside a `cite` tag? - does the coffee page pass the [HTML validator](https://validator.w3.org/) without errors?