[< All Assignments](../../index.html) # A7: Tutorial Pitch ## Assignment Description This assignment is meant to create a foundation for your tutorial site. Decide on your tutorial subject and create a pitch deck. The pitch should explain your initial concepts and design goals for the site. Then, create a content outline and wireframes for your pages in Photoshop. ## Instructions 1. Create a pitch deck - [Download the pitch template](pitch.pptx) - Fill in the template with the following pieces of information: - Site topic - Background - Design objectives and strategy - Site Audience - Competitors - Colors and textures - Keywords - Content examples - Save your deck out as a `pitch.pdf` and put it inside the `assignment-7` folder 1. Create a content outline - List out your content for each page in your site, using bullet points for hierarchy - Write out the steps for the tutorial (are there 3 or 10 steps?) - save your outline as `outline.pdf` and put it inside the `assignment-7` folder 1. Create wireframe for your pages in photoshop - Using your content outline for reference, start laying out some of your content for each page in a wireframe - Draw gray boxes for each section of content - Add your text for the content. Think about link titles and placement of photos. - Save each image as a png. - Add links to the images on the `assignment-7/index.html` file 1. Turn in ## Requirement Checklist: - Is there a pitch, outline and wireframes turned in? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-7` - Check the pitch - Are there competitor screenshots? - Who is the site audience? - Check the outline - How many pages are there total? - Are the tutorial steps written out? - Check the wireframes - Is there a logo/home page link present on all pages? - Are there links to other pages? - Sufficiently describe point of site? - Step titles/descriptions in place?